
Join Monex and other export experts as they discuss the current trade wars and help craft a useful roadmap to surviving and thriving in an age of trade turbulence.

In this never-ending whirlwind of trade tiffs, there’s even uncertainty about “successfully” renegotiated pacts like NAFTA 2.0. China is in the crosshairs, hitting American firms on both the sales and sourcing fronts. The only constant, it seems, is change, and vigilance is at a premium. Customs compliance is more vital than ever before, and supply chains are being rejiggered amid the government’s effort to rebalance U.S. trade flows.  As President Trump may be seeking to make good on his ‘America First’ promises, some local companies that make a living selling abroad may feel that they’ve been sent to the back of the line. 

Global Atlanta’s annual Export Stories special report release event takes on a new salience in this environment. Once again, we’re partnering with the Metro Export Challenge, administered by the Metro Atlanta Chamber, to tell the stories of those navigating this new regulatory world.

On hand will be some of the 30 winners of the challenge, who have been awarded with $5K to boost their export efforts. 

At this go-to networking event, we’ll have food, beer, wine and a panel of export experts whose experience can provide a useful roadmap to surviving and thriving in an age of trade turbulence. 

Cost: FREE for Exporters; $10 for everyone else.

The panel is to be moderated by Global Atlanta’s Trevor Williams, who will announce the release of Global Atlanta’s Export Stories Special Report.


  • Monte Galbraith, President, DNA Textile Group 
  • Kristen Lane, Director, Trade Compliance, Acuity Brands Lighting
  • Adwait Joshi, CEO, DataSeers


  • John Doyle, VP of Trading and Dealing, TEMPUS Inc., on how to navigate foreign exchange risk in an uncertain environment
  • Atlanta Metro Export Challenge to highlight 30 winners of $5K grants
  • Aprio will summarize recent findings from Manufacturing and Trade Surveys


  • Date:  March 6th
  • Time:  4:30-6:30pm
  • Location:  Burr + Forman LLP, 171 17th Street NW, Suite 1000, Atlanta, GA 30363
  • Event Regions:  Canada, China, Mexico



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